Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Origami Serie on YouTube

There are numbers of things that can be done with paper. Make it plain white paper or make it fancy present paper, a page from a book, an advertising flyer. Literally any kind of paper.
Some of these things you can do are very fascinating. Like origami, the Japanese art of folding paper.
For this purpose is best to use not too thick but firm paper, so that it doesn't rip while you are folding it in the most unthinkable way but still it can be folded because it is not as hard as a wood piece.
That said, grab a page from yesterday's newspaper and get on watching episodes on my The Origami Serie on YouTube. 
It starts today with a prologue and will take you to a different story with a different item to fold and craft every week.
Japanese origami artists can create anything with just folding the paper. Some items require additional tools, like scissors or pencils, but most traditional subjects need paper and hands only.

Here is a link to the playlist to watch all episodes starting with the Prologue.
Otherwise, you can watch the Prologue directly from this page and jump later to the episode of your interest.
Episodes are listed below.

Episodes’ list:
Sumo Fighters
Jumping Frogs
Collared Shirts

This page will constantly be updated with new links and utilities related to Origami crafting. Add it to your bookmarks, or share it on your Social Media’s!